
Crying game

i totally break down when i hear a dear one cry. i don’t deserve this. mythist doesn’t deserve this. she’s made a choice and she needs to live up to it and accept her responsibility. why did i have to get stuck in the middle and waste all my time… angry… yet sad… sigh :(

OTOH, finite state machines that accept odd number of a’s and even number of b’s are the devil in disguise. 285 eXam was freaking long.. but walking home from uni was a good idea. two down; three to go.


Endearing perfection

it is dark in my room; the window is open; the fan is on behind me; i smell rain outside but it is not raining.. yet; the sky is littered with dark clouds itching; to relieve their burden; i hear birds chirping; i’m listening to utada hikaru – hikari; i have 4,202 pictures to sort; everything is just perfect

unfortunately, the picture fails to capture the serenity of the scene



i’ve never had this much problem trying to fall asleep. you know how in the movies one is sleeping and suddenly wakes up with a jerk.. dude!! that happens in real life too. i guess that which doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger or something. i mean, how can she go ahead and do something this huge and not even tell me (especially with some guy she met randomly over the internet). part of me just wants to say fuck you and leave and the other reminds me of promises made.

truly an E/N site this one :P beats keeping a diary